We Need Men in the Arena

It's worth doing badly...

“If anything is worth doing,
It’s worth doing it badly.”
Gilbert Chesterton

When we fulfill our role as men,
… all thrive.

It’s worth striving after, but it’s hard.
We drop the ball
We lose our temper
We give into laziness
… we fail.

Even when we fail, it’s worth trying again.
It’s worth the hard conversation.
It’s worth making things right.
It’s worth the extra effort.
It’s worth the selfless act.
It’s worth the push just to make it through.

Striving to be the man you are called to be is worth the fight.

Don’t allow apathy to win your fight.
That’s exactly what Satan wants.

Keep pushing!
We need men in the arena.

The Spiritual health of our kids is not our Pastor’s responsibility.
It’s ours.

Parents have far more influence on their kids than Pastors do.

It’s tempting to believe the church will take care of the spiritual stuff
and we’ll take care of the rest.

After all, the church is there to deal with spiritual things.

But there are 168 hours in a week.
Your kids are there for maybe 0-5 hours each week.

That means they have 163 hours of other influences.
Parents have a big chunk of those hours.

You are setting an example whether you like it or not.

Our words and actions need to be their foundation’s concrete.
The Pastor’s influence is the rebar underneath.

Pastors are partners in the faith
Not sole providers of the faith.

It is such a blessing when I hear from you all.

Please hit reply and let me know something you’re learning in your journey as a parent or spouse.

God Bless,
Matt Virgin


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