The Only True Hero

I don’t want to be my children’s hero.

I don’t want to be my children’s hero.

They look up to me, of course.
Hopefully I am a good example for them,
but I don’t want to be their hero.

A hero is someone who saves them.
Someone who they can rely on no matter the situation.
Someone who won’t let them down.

I am not that person.

Despite my best efforts,
I will fail, mess up, not come through, and not be there when they need me.

Jesus is the only true hero.

The best I can tell my kids is this:
“Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.”

As they imitate me, there will be some good in that.
I strive to apply the characteristics and qualities of Christ in my life.

But when I fail, I can set the example of seeking forgiveness and repentance.

Men - don’t try to be their hero. Tell them about the true hero. Tell them about how Christ saved you (if you’re a believer). Tell them about being an “overcomer” of the world. Live it out. Model repentance.

The spiritual health of your family is top priority.
Treat it that way!

I hope you have a great week!!

God Bless,
Matt Virgin


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