Stop and Consider

Work ethic, how to make a bigger salary, and more.

This has been a long week.

We had my grandpa’s funeral on Saturday.
Losing someone always stings, but it was not a ceremony void of hope.

He was a faithful man to his wife, family, church, city, and Lord.
People called him the most underestimated man in the room.
He never said much, but when he spoke, people listened.

Funerals are humbling.
It is a reminder of the fragility of life.
We won’t be here forever despite how long some days feel.

I hope to one day hear “well done my good and faithful servant”
But sometimes I live as though I’m striving for something else.

Sometimes I replace “faithful servant” with
“successful servant”
“happy servant”
“well-liked servant”
or something else other than faithful.

I had the opportunity to speak at the funeral.
A video of me speaking is below if you’re interested.

Here’s the too long didn’t watch version…

  • My grandpa was a faithful man

  • Use this moment as a time to consider your life

    • Consider your priorities

    • Faith should be at the top

  • Seek the Lord above all else

  • All parents would say they want to pass down a strong work ethic to their kids but forget the fact that kids model what they see more than what they hear in the context of work ethic. We work hard all day at work only to come home and be lazy. If that is the case, laziness is what your kids see from you. Work ethic needs to be modeled both at work and at home.

  • Your salary is an investment in you by your employer. They invest their money in you to solve a problem that increases profit. If you want a bigger salary, solve bigger problems.


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