Simplicity Wins

You may be buying your kids their struggles

Good morning! Thank you for reading and as always, please reply with any thoughts or feedback. I love to hear from you!

You may be buying your kids their future struggles.

Monster Jam recently came to town. My son LOVES monster trucks.

But the ticket prices were more than we wanted to spend. So instead, we went fishing.

He was on worm duty, we worked on his cast, and he overcame his fear of holding a fish. It was good times.

We have gone to big events before and spent the money. There are times to do those things.


If you give kids whatever they want that will create that expectation as an adult.

- Focusing on what you want - Selfish
- Buying everything you want – Debt Debt Debt
- Having everything you want – Entitled

It is an easy trap to fall into. We work hard and get joy from providing nice things.

There are times for:
➡Nice things
➡Simple things
➡Unique experiences
➡Simple experiences

Don’t feel pressure to always go big. Simplicity may just win.

2 Corinthians 5:20 says Christians are ambassadors for Christ. That’s a big role.

An ambassador is an authorized representative, meaning we as Christians are representing Christ and God is making his appeal through us.

An ambassador has a purpose. They are there for a specific reason. We should show up with purpose and joy wherever we go.

There are co-workers, kids, family members, friends, baristas, and waiters who God wants to appeal to through you. They need you to SHOW UP..
with joy
with energy
with positivity
with love
and with the gospel.

Thank you for reading!! Have a great week.

God Bless,
Matt Virgin


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