It's a Paradox

Keeping your life on the rails

Constraining ourselves leads to freedom.


Consider the train, capable of immense speed and force...deliberately constrained to a fixed rail system.

But this constraint is the secret to the train's power.

Without the rails to direct it, all that power would lead to chaos. The train would quickly veer off course, crash, and not move any further.

It's the rails that give the train purpose - allowing it to channel its energy over a long distance.


In our own lives, we need carefully constructed "rails" to maximize our potential and avoid pitfalls.

To realize our full capability, we must implement constraints - guiding our actions in a purposeful direction while blocking hazards.

Perhaps your "rails" look like:

• Scheduled "deep work" times free from reactive tasks

• No social media on your phone 

• Eliminating commitments that don't align with your vision

These limitations create the Focus that accelerates your progress in what matters most.

Don't resist the constraints. Leverage them.

What "rails" do you need to reach your highest potential? Implement them with precision and you'll discover the paradoxical power of constraint.

Other Ideas

Great ideas are like great athletes. Efficient, elegant, and powerful.

Raymond Reddington - Blacklist

I listened to the book “The Pursuit of God” by A.W. Tozer this week. Powerful stuff.

Here are some ideas I am taking away from the book, but by no means all of them.

  • Good things can bring happiness, but do not bring joy. If you pursue the source of those good things, you become connected to the source of eternal joy.

  • God is worthy of an unincumbered, focused, and passionate pursuit to know Him and live for Him above all else.

  • It is not noise and activity that God adores. It is silence and stillness that God adores.

Have a great week! I appreciate you reading and please hit reply. I’d love to hear from you!

Matt Virgin


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