Not a Good Look

Gossip says a lot about YOU

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A company without conflict
is a company filled with gossip.

Companies are made up of people who are different.

Those differences lead to conflict.
But healthy conflict only happens when people feel safe and respected.

Disagreeing with someone is risky. You may wonder:
>> My idea must be silly if no one else sees it this way.
>> Will they get mad at me if I publicly disagree?

A meeting with healthy conflict:
>> Is the most productive kind of meeting
>> Shows people feel safe

The expression of different ideas will lead to the best solution.

If it isn’t expressed in the meeting, it’s expressed in the post-meeting meeting.
The cliquey chat about who said what.

Gossiping says more about you than who it’s about.

Here’s what it says about you:
>> You are not willing to address things face-to-face
>> You don’t respect your co-workers
>> You don’t feel social or professional safety (not willing to take the risk)

If you catch yourself gossiping, take steps to address those items. Then…

Speak up next time with humility and respect.

A surefire way to teach kids to take ownership of their mistakes:
Say you’re sorry without any “buts.”

When we mess up, the best thing to do is apologize to our kids.
It lets them know we aren’t perfect, and how to respond to mistakes.

When you say you’re sorry, own the mistake.
Do not say…. “I’m sorry I lost my temper, BUT you shouldn't have been acting that way.”

That is shifting the blame from you to them.
Say you’re sorry, ask for forgiveness, then stop.

This shows you are taking full ownership of your actions
And teaches them to do the same.

Have a great week! I appreciate you reading the newsletter and am always open for feedback. If you have something you’d like me to write about, then let me know!

God Bless,
Matt Virgin


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