How to Live with Understanding

Becoming a Better Spouse, Habits, and Egos

Have you ever been physically close to your spouse but felt far apart?

I’ve been married to my best friend for 8 years.
Life has changed a lot since we got married.

We got a home, cars, jobs, and had a few kids.
Things are busier than ever.

This can create distance between us if we aren’t careful.
If you’ve been married for some time, I’m sure you’ve felt it.

You are spending all your energy working and taking care of things
And your connection fades.

The Bible tells men to “live with your wives in an understanding way.”
So, how do you do that?

Here’s some questions to consider.

1. What is something I can do to make her feel loved?
2. What may be on her mind or stressing her out?
3. What energizes her?
4. What are her greatest insecurities?
5. What has she done recently I could thank her for?

Wives could use the same questions for their husbands.

Ok, you read the questions. Now actually stop and think about the answers.
The intent is to use those answers to bless your spouse.

When you show love and intentionality, your relationship thrives.

P.S. – Go plan a date night.

  • To form a habit, you must believe it is both important and possible. For a long time, I didn’t exercise, not because I didn’t think it was important, but because I didn’t think it’d be possible with my schedule. One conversation changed that. A co-worker, who has a newborn, told me he gets to the gym at 3:30AM each weekday. That showed me it’s possible. My habit was formed.

  • Ego creates near-term benefit but long-term damage. It may initially come off as confidence and expertise, but eventually it degrades relationships and prevents growth.

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God Bless,
Matt Virgin


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