Do you need roots, pruned, or transplanted?

You don’t have to face burnout.

If you feel burnt out, tired, frustrated, and not enjoying things, then keep reading.

Three years ago, I was feeling those feelings. Life had beaten me down and I had nothing left to give. There were people who needed me (my wife in particular), but I didn’t have the energy to keep going.

I was in a dark place. Mornings felt early and nights felt heavy.

For several years I had been going at a fast pace. There were good intentions… I wanted to succeed as a husband, a father, and in my career. I wanted to make an impact.

But, it came crashing down.

I burnt out.

That season has come and gone (praise God), and it taught me valuable lessons.


You don’t have to face burnout.

Here’s my question for you.

Do you need roots, pruned, or transplanted?

Perhaps it’s a combination of the three.


A tree first grows roots before it is strong. To grow any fruit, it needs water and nutrients. If it doesn’t have good roots, it will eventually collapse.

If your source of wisdom is TikTok, you need to grow deeper roots. Read, study, and listen to that which is “excellent”. Consume less but think deeply about it.


When a tree grows, it needs pruned. It needs to lose limbs.

What bad habits do you need gone? There are “branches” keeping you from growing. They may seem small, but they add up. One small decision at a time compounds for the good or for the bad.


Maybe you need transplanted. You need a big life change. Perhaps you need to switch jobs, move, or to accept a calling you have been feeling. Maybe you need to spend less time around a particular person.

If you are feeling burnt out. It is terrible. I know.

But, here’s a hard truth that I share with empathy.

You are likely feeling burned out because of your own bad choices.

I was burned out because I was choosing to keep pouring without filling my cup. I was letting bad habits continue.

You may have a stressful job, demanding boss, crazy kids, and a packed schedule, but you don’t have to feel burntout. You can fulfill your responsibilities with passion and energy, but it takes doing the inner work.

Take one positive step. Take another positive step. Take another positive step.

There may be 14 bad decisions in between those. But take a positive one next.

Biblical Perspective

Your roots should be in the Bible.

Regular study, meditation, and application of Scripture provide the nourishment and stability to withstand life's storms and seasons of dryness (Jeremiah 17:7-8).

Sin is a weight that tears you down and ultimately leads to death. You may need to prune away activities, relationships, habits, or sin that hinder your spiritual growth and zap your energy (John 15:2).

Ultimately, a tree's purpose is to bear fruit in its season. When you're deeply rooted in Christ and nourished by His living waters, you can bear lasting fruit and live out your God-given purpose without succumbing to burnout (John 15:5).

Verses jampacked with truth for a weary soul are Matthew 11:28-29. “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you fill find rest for your souls.”

That says that ANYONE who is tired can go to Jesus and He will give you rest. The weird part? It is by taking a yoke, a tool for working. He will work alongside of you at your pace.

He is the source of true rest. Not sleep, but emotional and spiritual rest. The kind that lasts through the storms of life and will never leave.

Have a great week and thank you for reading my newsletter!! It was a bit longer this week, so I apologize…

Please reply with any thoughts or feedback!!!

God Bless
Matt Virgin


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